PMPO Active Committees 

Dual Survey: (Mike Pique) Most of Crestline and all of Birch Hill is located in federal government survey Section 14, and in 1975 a new government survey moved Section 14's center line north so that the National Forest took over about 18 acres more land than it had before. This cost Palomar many residents along the entire mile-long line the right to build on their properties. We have recently discovered that the problem extends west from Section 14 into Section 15, because the survey changes the east-west boundary between the two sections. The PMPO hopes to solve these problems by locating a landowner willing to donate about 18 acres to the Forest Service, in exchange for which the federal government would restore the Section 14 and Section 15 boundary to its long-accepted location.

Easement Project: The San Diego Fires of October 2003 and 2007 where many homes were lost showed the importance of having properly registered boundary lines and road access to lots. Failure to have documented access means that, following a serious fire, home re-building cannot occur. This Committee is attempting to resolve parcel access on behalf of landowners. We plan to address all roads on Palomar, one at a time, starting from the far east side of Palomar and working west - rather than dealing with properties on a case by case basis. PMPO Board of Director members assisting with Easement Project: Retired Attorney, Tom Burton, Engineer, Rob Hawk, and Realtor, Bonnie Phelps.

Ground Water Monitoring: Rob Hawk (chair). This committe is establishing baseline water table and rainfall data to identify trends and, more importantly, potential water table drops from local water pumped out of the region. If you have water well data, please send to Rob Hawk. You can downlaod the permission form (color, B&W). Read more here.

Newsletter: (Susan Humason) Issued once/year at the time of our Annual Meeting and Pancake Breakfast, the Newsletter is a compendium of Mountain activies undertaken by the PMPO and other local Mountain organizations. The most recent newsletter (2007) is located here (PDF).

Palomar Action Committee: PAC, now a subcommittee of the PMPO, meets about every other week to investigate and act upon issues of concern to the Palomar Mountain Community. Information is located here.

Pancake Breakfast: (Donna Dose) This annual event features a Mountain breakfast par-excellence for all Mountain residents and guests, and is followed by our Annual Meeting.

San Diego County General Plan 2020: General Plan 2020 is a multi-year project which began in 1998 to update the San Diego County General Plan. The current general plan for the unincorporated County has not been comprehensively updated since 1979 and has been the subject of substantial modification over the years. During this period, considerable growth and change has taken place, leading to the incorporation of a number of cities and to annexation of lands on the periphery of the unincorporated area. GP 2020 will form a framework into which the unincorporated communities will grow, shaping the future of San Diego County. The end product will be a document that protects the environment, accommodates population growth, and links that growth to the provision of required facilities and services.
Minutes of PMPO 2020 Sub Committee Meeting - 7/5/09

Minutes of PMPO 2020 Sub Committee Meeting - 7/12/09

Traffic Safety: (Alan Serry) Travel safety on the Mountain is a concern of many Mountain residents. This Committee works with other local groups, local governments, and law enforcement agencies to improve local traffic safety.

Miscellaneous PMPO Reports

Pauma Casino Expansion

Route 76 Road Improvements

Internet access: Mountain Survey Results

Contact Us Postal Address: P.O. Box 145, Palomar Mountain, CA 92060-0145